Customer Testimonials

Don't take our word for it, this is what customers have to say about the service they receive.


by Lindsay on 09 November 2009

Richard is Amazing! So helpful, reliable and friendly. I have been a customer for years and he exceeds my expectations over and over again! I would (and do) recommend Hawkinz Web Design and Web Hosting to anyone in need of hosting or design services!


Expert WordPress

by Kurt on 09 November 2009

HawkinzWeb Hosting offers Industry standard offer for an unbeatable price, I can't find any negative points for a shared hosting offer for this price!


SilverDark Recipes

by Patti on 31 December 2010

Richard is the Best!! I am Sooo Non-Techy :) but Richard not only answers all my questions quickly from an Ocean away, he is so very friendly about it & never seems to mind my dumb ones. I recommend HawkinzWeb Designs & Hosting to Everyone I hear about that is looking for any help with Designing or Hosting.



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